Winter Big Turkey Bowling at Imperial Lanes Sundays 7pm

Team Profiles


Sunday, March 4

Theme Night - Superhero Night
Playoff Date 3/4, 4 Teams Advance, ALL teams Bowl
Playoff Seeds
[1] Dirty Birds
[2] Straight From the Gutter
[3] Bowl Job
[4] Dude, Where's My Ball?
POTW: Monica Linscott
POTW: Monica Linscott
Bowl Job
Monica picked up a POTW a few weeks back and her team took third place overall in the league this season, but we're looking outside the lanes this week. Monica was pretty much the only person to get dressed up for Superhero Night, but what a costume it was- a full Wonder Woman outfit complete with truth lasso. In this getup she bowled, took shots, drank beers, and in a great and pleasant twist to the evening, signed an autograph for a small child who thought she was really Wonder Woman. She never broke character for a second, and bowled pretty well in the meantime. Congratulations, Monica. Keep fighting for justice and the American way.
  6:30 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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