Kickball Standings

Summer Midcore Kickball at U-Dist Playfield T/Th


Stinky Fingers photo First Place Trophy

SUM[10] Midcore Kickball at U-Dist Playfield T/Th

  Stinky Fingers

U-district Playfield Championships
kickball extravaganza

Thursday was the day where the teams either had it or didn't! First game was Just for Kicks against Big Swinging Kicks. The game was insanely close, but Big Swinging Kicks could thank their guy Ted for getting 2 in the park home runs to bring them up top!
Second game was Where My Pitches At against Stinky Fingers. Who knew that Stinky Fingers would have such a solid game from the very first inning. They took advantage of every time Where My Pitches At slipped up and made a solid win. Anthony was a sure contributor with his two home runs.
And at last the grand finale. Stinky Fingers against Big Swinging Kicks for all the marbles. Another close and EXTREMELY intense game. You could tell because everyone was sweating like crazy workin hard. But in the end, it was Stinky Fingers hard work (and special coaching from Chris of course) that paid off.

View Stinky Fingers Team Page
Big Swinging Kicks photo
Second Place Trophy

SUM[10] Midcore Kickball at U-Dist Playfield T/Th
Second Place

Big Swinging Kicks

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Stinky Fingers
8 1 0 16 55
  Big Swinging Kicks
6 2 1 13 55
  Just For Kicks
6 (1)º 1 1 13 41
  Where My Pitches At?
6 2 0 12 52
  Leny's Regulars
4 (1)º 3 0 8 36
  Balls In Your Face
2 (1)º 4 1 5 52
  Just Kicking it
2 6 (3)º 0 4 24
1 6 1 3 58
  The Overcats
1 6 0 2 76
  All your base are belong to us.
1 6 0 2 72
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.