BJ was on his game Wednesday night. A black-hole at short stop, he caught anything going his way. He put the other team on their heels in a well-played championship match-up with Ponzi Scheme. It was a team win, with a few of them dressing up for the occasion. We had a toilet, Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and G.I. Jane. A great play by both teams had the Toilet up to kick with Maggie on first. He boots it over their heads and he goes... running like a faulty toilet runs, screaming at Maggie "RUN! RUN!" Maggie makes it across home plate, however in an amazing play by Bro the toilet is taken out at the last moment. Shout out to Ryan Bates and his follow through. Foot came over his head as his body hit the deck. Will never call a MAN BUNT on that one!! Lexi was there in all her glory as well!! Great kickball.