Fall Big Turkey Bowling at Sun Villa Mondays 7pm

Team Profiles


Monday, November 12

Theme Night - Cowgirls and Cowboys - Yee Haa?
Playoff Date 11/12, Top 4 Teams Advance, ALL Teams BOWL!!!
Playoff Seeds
[1] Spare Ribs
[2] 3 Holes to Stick it In
[3] So Easy a Caveman Could Do It
[4] Time to Spare
POTW: Eric  Snyder
POTW: Eric Snyder
To be determined at a later date.
Howdy partner! Eric was dressed for a shoot-out tonight as he strut his stuff around the alley. In keeping with the theme night of "Western Wear", Eric had people giving him more than sideways glances as he galloped around the alley in his tight jeans, big cowboy hat, and yes, stuffed horse head on a stick.
All 10 Underdog teams got into the spirit of things once Eric started bellowing out an enthusiastic "yee-haw" every time one of his teammates knocked down a spare. Soon yee-haws could be heard across the alley, but none of them had the same twang or level of intensity and Erics signature holler had.
I tip my bucket hat to you Eric....
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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