Leilani Monday Bowling League #5 (7 PM) [WIN 05]

Team Profiles


Monday, March 7

Theme Night - Toga Night
Playoffs 3/7
4 Team Advance, Everyone Bowls
Playoff Seeds

[1] The Pinheads
[2] Lucky Strikes
[3] We Were Framed
[4] Slammers!
POTW: John Borgmeyer
POTW: John Borgmeyer
We Were Framed
With an amazing 104 and a 123 John helped roll his team to 3rd place, which some say is the most prestigious of all non-champion places. And while John's score may not be mind boggling, he had one throw that was. With the game on the line and his team in need John dug down deep for that little bit extra and hucked his ball onto the adjacent lane giving his counterpart a gutterball and a 0 on the socrecard. Normally I think people just try to bowl well on their own lane, but I guess that works too. Heres to you and your ingenuity John!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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