Web Leagues for Online Fun

Stay Connected with Friends and Family






These are crazy times. 


You might be working from home, and all of your leagues and activities have been canceled or postponed.  


Sign up for an Underdog Web League to have some online Fun through video conferencing and stay connected. 


These are NOT eSports or Online video games





Web Leagues are video conferencing leagues hosted by a trained Underdog Fun Ambassador (over ZOOM) that connect friends and employees from any location and any time during the day.  Sign up for a league, play against opponents, and have some online fun. 


Our first of many offerings is Life Raft Battleship ... a new take on an old classic:






Sign up by yourself, or with a team of friends or co-workers today!


If you are interested in a custom league or a private party or morale event just for your friends or your company email web@underdogseattle.com or fill out the form below: 






Stay safe, and look for new Web Leagues coming soon!